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The Magdalene Program itself did not have a need for more participants. With a waiting list of more than 100 women and few houses available to accept women currently waiting, the question became would the Magdalene program be amenable to a partnership with the Department of Correction and how would Magdalene find space for the additional women coming from prison. The Magdalene Board agreed that if given enough notice and if the releases from prison were staggered, they would reserve space in one of the six Magdalene houses in Nashville for the six women who would complete the program.

For a full view of the Magdalene on the Inside Case Study, click on the image above.


Addressing the NeedThe proposal to implement a Magdalene program inside the Tennessee Prison for Women was based on the Magdalene program’s success in the community and the lack of services available inside the prison system that specifically targeted women in prostitution and trafficking nor where services available inside the prison to address a woman’s childhood sexual abuse issues. A fact finding meeting was held with female offenders at the Tennessee Prison for Women to determine if the need existed for a Magdalene Program inside the prison and whether interest in participation existed among the female prison population. There was unanimous agreement among the group of 75 women of the need for intensive therapy to address issues of sex abuse, prostitution and trafficking. There was also an overwhelming desire for a reentry program that would provide housing and employment upon release from prison.

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